The Infinite Loving Creator God had created the Heavens, earth, galaxies, animals, plants, nature and human beings in six days. Seventh Day the God rested and joyfully said it is Good. And said that seventh day; every one shall take rest like on Sunday to show our Love and respect to the Infinite Creator God. Moreover; the God blessed the human beings and all Creation to multiply and be fruitful!

The Father the God; the Son Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are ONE TRINITY GOD!

The Loving Father God is so Loving that He had given His only Son Lord Jesus Christ as atonement for sins of whole mankind that whoever shall in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

  • The Infinite loving God is Love, slow to anger, just, righteous, faithful, not happy in punishment but rejoices in repentance and forgiveness; through His son Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The Creator God is faithful;
  • His precious Word of the God given in the Holy Bible is consecrated by the Holy Spirit
  • The loving Gods Word brings peace in the Heart and His son is called the Prince of the peace.
  • The loving God is patience; not hasty or impulsive.
  • The Word of the God instills confidence
  • The loving Father God loves humility and hate pride. The God gives Grace to the humble and opposes the pride.
  • The Word of the God always gives us the hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • The Love of the God is not selfish. The Loving Father God is Omnipresence, Omnipotent and Omniscience.

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